how i lost my small personal time-tracking todo list, 22-Jan-2024 Super Productivity is an Electron app. With "hello world +qwe #greets 90m" and two toggles, backlog/day and top/bottom, i can create a new task in project "qwerty" with a tag "greets" est. to 1h30m. I've been on v. 21.0 as solely the mobile app. One of the available options for "Sync" is LocalFile, a JSON file in the filesystem. And I had some mess with my used-to-be-Syncthing setup. The "Backup" feature seems wasn't generating anything, and the "Import" needed for would-be file seems to have gotten removed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I used to have "Sync" set to a directory synced with Syncthing, then I got it moved, then something happened with permissions, then I also may have messed things up by having the file symlinked or moved when fumbling with git-annex, occasionally prompting a dialog box declaring error on saving/accessing or asking me to push state to empty database. Then today I had launched the app and it popping up a "Cannot access database", to which I decided to restart the app, first by Recent apps which had it back in exact same state and then by killing the app from system settings. When it started again, the app ended up being devoid of all my content. There is also a Backup feature in the same section of Settings, which is supposed to periodically save to app storage in case something goes wrong. I've had it on. In none of the Android/* directories for the app I found any files. Furthermore, the manual asked me to use the files using Import functionality in the section, which was missing from there at least in the mobile version of the app. I've had thoughts about not letting meaningful information stay in anywhere like that, wanting to lessen impact of such data loss in case of such apps and of the paper notebook. But I wasn't yet fully committed on that goal. Now I'm recreating the todos from head I already relegated to the app, this time in the paper notebook with a new concept for how to do it more right.