fat32 sorting for players


I have a Benjie pocket music player. One of its many issues is inability to order a directory of files by the filenames. Turns out that happens to be a common problem in players https://superuser.com/questions/376577/how-to-reorder-the-files-of-a-fat32-file-system

But when I happened upon fatsort in my Debian/WMLive repos, it said the FATs differ, and refused to proceed. So I wanted to inspect the FATs. I was lazy enough to only use things I found in distro repos, so i didn’t even bother reading the help of finds like fatutil if they weren’t in the repos

Anyway, minfo -i /dev/sdc :: was complaining something about the device being zero-length. I found fatinfo in the repos and it was complaining on the sector size being 1024 and not 512. Too bad, because fatinfo was the one that would have allowed me to merge the FATs. fsck.msdos only asked me which FAT should it proceed with, the first or the second. Ended up going with the first, and all the files seem to be there.